Monday, 18 February 2013

The Equipment that I will use and statement of intent.

These are the bodies and lenses that I will be using to take the images for the course.  The Bodies are  Nikon D200, Sony 450, Lenses are 150mm Sigma Macro lens, 70mm macro Lens and a 50mm Macro lens.  There will be tripods and Monopods used for stability.  I will also be using filters, cable releases and bean bags for stability.

My statement of intent.

The photography that I have chosen to do is Macro.  I intend two produce 10 images of good quality.

I have been interested in Macro photography for some years now, and decided to do this on the course that I have enrolled on now.

The equipment that I will use is as follows A Nikon D200 body with a 50mm Macro lens and 150mm Macro lens.  Also a Sony 450 body with a 70mm Macro lens Along with the flash unit for the macro lens that goes with it and can be attached to the camera and the lens.  I will also be using a small and large tripod for stability.  As well as a bean bag.  These items will allow me to get in close and stop any camera shake, this stopping blurred images.  I shell look at the light that will be available when taking the shots as this could determine the aperture and the ISO speed at the time the shots will be taken.

The photography thyme for this will be insects and flowers, so this is going to very close up photography.  I am thinking of getting eyes of a subject but this may alter depending on the subjects that I pick, but, I will go for the eyes of the subject.

Light could play a major part in this, I will try and get natural light were it is possible.  As I would rather work with natural light then artificially light.  I will play about with the ISO if the light fails along with the + and - compensator.  The flash unit that I will be using will be to close as I only have a 50mm Macro lens so this means me getting in close to the subject, so the flash will not work properly.  I intend to use the ISO more than the flash but, I will use photo shop to the minimum.

All heath and safety will be considered while taking photographs.  Also when entering conservations areas that I stick to the paths and observe the country code at all times.  If I set any hides up that I have permission and that it is put up in a safe way observing any plant life and anything of that nature.

The environment and the country side is to be respected, there are certain things that you cannot photograph without a licence if I come across anything like this I will seek advice and get the proper paper work put in place.  I shell seek the right authorities to gain the right licences.

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